20th International Conference of the Inflammation Research Association – 2018
Systems Inflammation in Chronic Diseases

On behalf of the Inflammation Research Association (IRA), we are excited to introduce the 20th international conference of the IRA, jointly organized with the Temple University School of Medicine on July 20-21 of 2018 at Philadelphia, PA.  Every two years, the Inflammation Research Association (IRA) organizes an International Conference that attracts 200-300 pre-clinical and clinical research scientists working in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, and in academia. For more than 40 years the IRA has worked to bring scientists together for the sharing of scientific and technological advances, as well as collegial interaction. The scientific program of the 20th International Conference is designed to reflect the mission of the IRA:

The Inflammation Research Association is a non-profit organization instituted to bring together scientists of all degree and experience levels with an interest in inflammation research, to encourage communication and discussion of scientific and technological advances that can be used to develop new therapeutic agents for the wide diversity of serious diseases with inflammatory processes.

Temple University School of Medicine
Medical Education Research Building (MERB)
3500 N. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA

DATES: July 20-21, 2018.


MEETING THEME: Systems inflammation in Chronic Disease”

Plenary Sessions:

  • Non-resolving inflammation in chronic diseases
  • Intervention of systems inflammation and chronic diseases

Concurrent Sessions:

  • Cellular and molecular mechanisms for inflammation (Chair: XiaoFeng Yang)
  • Inflammation in Autoimmunity (Chair: Stefania Gallucci)
  • Inflammation and Cancer (Chair: Mike McQueney)
  • Microbiome in systems inflammation (Chair: Hui Wu, Co-chair: Cagla Tukel)
  • Neuro-inflammation (Chair: Matthew Buczynski)
  • New Therapy & Technology for Chronic Inflammation (Chair: Wenhui Hu)
  • Junior Investigator Session (Chair: Mohsin Kahn)

Meeting Organizers:
Liwu Li (Virginia Tech), Hong Wang (Temple), XiaoFeng Yang (Temple), Stefania Gallucci (Temple), Mike McQueney (Oncoveda), Caralee Schaefer (Blade Therapeutics), Joel Tocker, Erik Lubberts (Erasmus MC, University Medical Center), Lisa Marshall (Pfizer).

Confirmed Speakers:
Dmitry Gabrilovich (Wistar Institute), John Lambris (University of Pennsylvania), Stefania Gallucci (Temple), Liwu Li (Virginia Tech), Filip Swirski (Harvard), Glen Barber (U Miami), Erica Stone (Wistar Institute), Cagla Tukel (Temple), Hong Wang (Temple), Hui Wu (UAB), XiaoFeng Yang (Temple), Murali Gururajan (Bristol-Myers Squibb), Michael McQueney (Oncoveda), Matthew Buczynski (Virginia Tech), Alicia Pickerel (Virginia Tech), Lynn Soong (UTMB). 

Click here for the Meeting Program and Abstract Book 

Registration Fees

  • Current IRA Members – $250
    To take advantage of the member discount, you must be current on your 2018 dues. Please renew your membership prior to registering as a member. To renew your membership, click here. You may also join as a new member prior to registering. To become a new member of IRA, click here.
  • Non-Members – $350
  • Retiree – $175
  • Postdoctoral or Grad Student – $100
  • Single Day Registration – $150
  • Temple School of Medicine Employee or Student – $50
  • Guest (meals only) – $150
  • Exhibitor – $650

Registration includes on-site working lunch on July 20 and 21 as well as a dinner buffet on July 20. Alcoholic beverages not included.


VOLUNTEERS WANTED – please email secretary@inflammationresearch.org and check this website for more updated information on the 20th International Conference.

Thank you to the following Sponsors and Exhibitors: